Become Limitless in 30 days. The Not-So Secret to Performance Peaking Daily Habits
Time to read 8 min
Time to read 8 min
Let’s be perfectly clear. People do not care about products, widgets, gadgets or even supplements. Truth is, what they actually care about are the benefits these products give them. Hear me out, using a couple of very fitting mushroom analogies allow me to explain how this affects you & why you should even care.
The mushrooms give him the powers he needs to complete the levels with the highest score. Make sense?
Exhibit B; Alice in Wonderland also did not give one single spotted fungi crap about the shrooms she snagged from the caterpillar.
So what’s the point I’m getting at here, how does this affect anyone reading an article from a brand called Shroomstar™?
The reality is you also give zero flying F’s about this product, my brand, the shipping speed, our customer service, the email marketing, our FaceBook ad creative, or the influencer ‘user-generated content’, if Shroomstar™ didn’t give you limitless mental focus. Agreed?
You don’t care about paracetamol, but you do care about pain relief.
Maybe you don’t care about coffee, but you do care about feeling awake first thing in the morning.
If you’re still reading, you should be nodding your head in agreement. Think about it, did Pop-Eye actually enjoy the taste of spinach, or did the street cred of Stone Cold Stunning Bluto & flexing in front of his misses far outweigh the bitter force-feeding of his daily tinned super greens?
Products are simply a stepping stone, the means to the desired end that transforms a Micheal Keaton Beetlejuice into a crip-walking Batman.
So that’s your 80’s cult movie, marketing & advertising seminar over, let’s address the King Kong silverback in the room. If you hypothetically were to try out Shroomstar™ for 30 days how will your life be any different? Beyond dope packaging, sick marketing & fantastic product placement what do these sour vegan bad boys actually friggin’ do?
Cue elevator pitch; taking Shroomstar™ as part of a structured daily routine (that I outline at length throughout this entire blog), will have you maxing your limitless mental potential & peaking your personal productivity in under 30 days.
Bold statement I know, but aligning your windows of productivity with the Shroomstar™ Limitless Airlines, is your baller-class, mile-high club ticket to a successful future.
Throughout the following article I will explain how to optimise your daily routines & milk the most from your functional mushroom regime with almost invisible micro daily adjustments. Ladies & gents, all aboard the Shroomstar™ brain-gain-train.
Any pop-up window, jazz-mag ad, or yardie outside a pub promising ‘good shizz brah'...
Ever struggle to focus on a single assignment when you're juggling multiple tasks? We solve this problem.
Does brain fog, procrastination or lack of motivation hold back your daily momentum? We solve this problem too.
Writer’s block, lack of imagination or creative problem-solving got you head-butting your keyboard in annoyance? Fear not, we solve this frustration too.
Do you suffer from crippling anxiety, chronic physical work tension & nosebleed stress levels? Yep, we also solve this problem (note, don’t put Shroomstar™ up your nose).
Are you wired after a stressful day, can’t switch off at night & consistently get lousy sleep quality? Leave it to us, time to outsource this nightmare, Shroomstar™ have got your back.
For those who are easily distracted, have problems concentrating & are missing that tunnel vision focus at work, thankfully, there’s a pocket-sized sour solution to snack on at your desk. From stoic stress reduction to improved memory & imagination, Shroomstar™ improved productivity & expanded head space will have you locked in with Terminator assignment focus. Shroomstar™ reaches out a strong bionic hand & says in a bad Austrian accent ‘come with me if you want to live’.
Here are just a few next-level & game-changing benefits to be experienced when including Shroomstar™ as part of a new structured daily routine…
5 Limitless Benefits
1. Hyper mental focus & ability to concentrate for longer
2. Improved cognition & ability to multitask under pressure
3. Uplifted mood, sense of wellbeing & feeling of walking on air
4. Physical relaxation, soothing muscular tension & reduced stress levels
5. Eliminate appetite, carb cravings & effortlessly extend fasting windows
Physically speaking, Shroomstar™ blend of 6 different functional mushrooms provide a calming sense of grounding & relaxation. You’ll notice all feelings of anxiety, edginess & stress are dissolved, leaving balanced sensations of stillness, alignment & inner peace. Many people describe it like walking on air while going about their normally stressful schedules.
Under the hood, the cognitive experience of Shroomstar™ functional mushrooms give a vast blue skied sense of mental clarity & head space.
Silencing internal monkey-mind chatter, expands the intellectual bandwidth & allows rivers of limitless creative potential to flood the mind.
When taken as part of a structured & consistent daily routine Shroomstar™ gummies will boost productivity, maximise work rate & channel boundless, dialled-in flow states. Note, the key here is ‘consistently’, in order to hit the full flight capabilities of what’s up for grabs with functional mushroom supplements they need to be consumed as part of an optimised daily routine. Don’t have a daily routine yet?
Look no further my friend, this blog’s a nuts-deep routine resource of life-maxing productivity biohacks to help you build the best version of yourself.
97.2% of people have no routine, no schedule & no impulse control.
This demographic makes ad hoc spontaneous choices leading to a chain reaction of compounding very, very bad decisions. No routine = skipping workouts, eating junk food, gaining weight, staying up late, oversleeping, rushing work, forgetting important tasks, overlooking details, losing track of finances, getting into debt, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, bad health, sickness… which all leads to the vicious cycle of comfort eating, getting home late, binge watching Narcos, poor sleep (and on, and on, and friggin on). Follow this pattern for a week, a month, a year, or even a decade, where does it lead you? No place you wanna visit, trust me, I’m talking from experience.
Follow this pattern for a week, a month, a year, or even a decade, where does it lead you? No place you wanna visit, trust me, I’m talking from experience.
which all leads to the vicious cycle of comfort eating, getting home late, binge-watching Narcos season 3 , poor sleep (and on, and on, and friggin on).
Now imagine the lives of the 2.8% of people who actually do have a daily routine. They go to bed & wake up early, they stretch their bodies, their meals are prepped, their kit bags are waiting for them by the front door, they have enough time to commute, train, shower & be early to their desks giving them a head start on the day's commitments.
They intermittently fast, monitor their health, eat calorie-controlled healthy meals, maintain low body fat, stay in shape, take supplements, optimise hormone levels & check their blood work regularly. They’re also on top of work schedules, keep time-blocked work windows for optimal mental focus & productivity, they budget their time, their energy output & of course are in full control of their finances. They are so productive they can leave work early, have more time with their friends or family & are able to get home, prepare for the next day with more than enough evening for a solid night's deep sleep.
Sadly this is where most people get sidetracked, stray from the path & even completely give up.
They lack the fundamental, baseline routine that supports a positive successful lifestyle. So this is why this blog exists, to give people a framework to keep them on track, focused & aligned with the highest version of their best potential future selves.
So, what’s the best way to turn a temporary routine into a permanent lifestyle?
Your highest statistical chance is sticking to it for at least 30 days. Just 1 month of consistent daily positive habits should be enough to kickstart the flywheel of long-term, limitless lifestyle benefits.
I do not want to mislead you with false advertising or empty promises, there's not a sour gummy or magic bean existing on the periodic table that will change your life overnight without adopting a healthy lifestyle first.
There are plenty of internet gurus, YouTube influencers & online marketing cronies...
promising sugar-coated crypto gains, instant abs & top secret female whooing techniques, I know this because (sadly), I have worked for all of them.
Hopefully, you are wise to this crap & can see through the veil of persuasive sales copy & photoshopped Lambos. My objective here, (even if you never care to try Shroomstar™) is to share with you the treasure map that got me personally out of very deep, chum-filled, shark-infested waters…multiple times.
In the next article, I’ll explain in a bit more detail how I clawed myself inch by inch out of a dark, masturbating, suicidal crater of drug addiction, homelessness, isolation, bankruptcy & quite literally crippling health problems using the exact daily system I live by to this day.
Hopefully, you found the quick-ish read amusing & maybe you learned a thing or two.
I’ll drop you a line from time to time with handy links or daily routine optimising biohacks so be sure to check your spam & mark my emails as ‘safe’ in case my attachments trigger Gmail’s pesky spam filters.
Mush love,
Dave Da Vinci