Bollocks! The stinging facepalm of key-forgetting realisation hits you as you frantically rummage around your rain-soaked work bag.
Your entire teeth-grinding commute home was consumed by a single stress-relieving fantasy of releasing the day's pressure with a cold one & an incognito window.
Not so fast soldier, planet Earth has very different plans for you this evening. You’re out of milk, gotta feed the cat, walk the dog, plus you left wet laundry in the machine this morning. Either this evening is filled with the invisible energy-sapping hours of behind-the-scenes life admin, or tomorrow you awake to pet sanitation, dry cereal & ammonia-smelling work shirts. Hold the line, dig deep, real deep, you got this.
Why is it that when the finish line seems so goddamn close are the goal posts moved so cruelly out of reach? The daily responsibilities of maintaining even a modest level of life on Earth are a recipe for crippling anxiety, sleep deprivation & morning fatigue.
Awaking to a laundry list of forgotten to-do’s, loose ends & backlog of manual house labour is like treading water in quicksand.
These are the adult life skills you were just meant to know, right out of the box, with neither any training or a mentor to guide you. The universe is stock piled to the ceilings with trash bags of daily problems with your name on it amigo. Life will never stop throwing obstructions in your way, spanners in your works or blocks for your cocks.
So how does one cope with a day’s inevitable ‘FFS!’ moments & prevent oneself from residing in a padded room sporting this season's must-have ivory-white straightjackets?
It takes no creativity, imagination or even a spark of intelligence to stand back, chest puffed with a finger pointing at life’s countless problems. Any thumbsucking pedestrian bystander can do this, it’s easy.
This is what separates leaders from followers, producers from consumers & the wolves from the sheep.
But wanna know what’s actually difficult? Finding solutions, in real time, under high pressure, against the clock.
Although trying to outwit, out plan & out-smart the crooked casino we live in is a literal impossibility, all that’s left is identifying & choke holding the variables that are actually under our control. Playing the game of probabilities, we can mitigate likely daily bottlenecks, hassles & ball-aches before they actually happen.
Playing out scenarios in your mind, way ahead of time & rehearsing the statistical problems that might occur is like Neo sparring in a mental Matrix dojo.
Planning way in advance & reverse engineering a step-by-step game plan with actionable ‘to-do’s’ is the secret to planning a successful career, training schedule, business venture or investment thesis.
To put it simply, start at the end & work backwards from your goal.
Use this simple formula to plan years, months & weeks down to the eventual structure of your daily routine. Building, refining & optimising an airtight daily schedule will not only align you with your goals but give you a replicable blueprint that can be applied to literally any venture you desire.
To create a daily routine is to create a predictable step-by-step process that will remove all guess work, frantic forgetfulness & blind spots in your game. Your days should follow a linear painting by numbers process on a simple ‘to-do’ checklist. A process so simple in fact, that an infant, Alibaba retard or someone who was dropped on their head as a child can follow without any risk of screwing up. Once you’re running on autopilot, you free up an enormous amount of mental real estate. Suddenly your upstairs bandwidth has become fiberoptic & you can channel limitless creative flow into becoming the very best version of yourself.
Fulfilling your destiny & achieving your maximum human potential does not happen by itself...
It requires a committed daily practice without cutting corners or staying up late to watch Narcos when you have to hit the weights before work tomorrow morning.
Stop staying up late & make sure you get enough sleep.
Wake up earlier & train before work.
Meal prep fatty. Take the time to prepare bag-sized calorie-controlled boxed meals that can be carried with you at all times.
As I unsaddle my high horse & remove the feather from my cap, I understand what I’m talking about here is MUCH easier said than done. Taking control of your lives is difficult & something I am still personally working on to this day. So the key here is to start small & incrementally optimise your routine as you slowly become more organised.
Let’s begin with THE most important piece of thai puzzle; your morning routine. Get this dialled in & you’ll have a solid foundation to structure your entire day around. Most people (myself included) are zombie-shuffling brain dead cabbages when they first awaken from their slumber, so how do we motivate ourselves to ‘get after it’ without mainlining any morning caffeine?
The secret here is creating super simple, easy-to-follow on-ramps (set up the evening before), to prevent all BS excuses & snooze hitting lay-ins the following morning. Remember, this morning started with the decisions you made last night.
Is it really worth sacrificing an entire day's productivity for a narrow window of evening relaxation, binge eating & late night 'naughty naughty'? (in my Borat voice).
Here are a few examples of AM on-ramps to mitigate any walking dead morning apocalypses:
1. Tomorrow morning starts tonight.
Tie up all loose ends & lay tomorrow's on-ramps before you hit the sack, this will give your future self the strongest chance of having a successful stress-free morning. Last minute house admin, closing browser tabs, letting the cat in, showering, stretching & switching off all artificial light will all help settle your body into its natural circadian rhythm.
Pro tip: Try a Moon Shroom Zzz-Tea before you sign out to deepen REM states & give you the kind of sleep you dream of.
2. Gym bag prep in the evening (not first thing in the morning)
Make sure training clothes, change of underwear & towels are clean & dry. Protein shakers are washed, supplements packed, sneakers dried, headphones charged, Spotify playlist downloaded, beanie hats, boxing gloves, hand wraps, gum shields, band-aids, BJJ GI’s, etc are all locked, loaded & neatly folded. Leave your clobber next to the front door so you have NO EXCUSES if you feel tired first thing in the morning.
3. Set up your morning checklist the night before (not first thing in the morning).
Create a clickable digital template for the sequence of your morning flow, set this once then duplicate it each evening. The satisfaction of checking off each task in order will create a sense of momentum & personal achievement that will stay with you throughout your day.
3. Cook & prep tomorrow's meals way in advance.
If you’re not able to outsource food production yet, begin by replacing nasty, on-the-go fast snacks with healthy, filling & calorie-controlled meals. Prepping these at home will prevent impulse buys & temptation driven waist swelling num-nums. Taking the time to calculate your maintenance calorie consumption only needs to be done once. Next, simply plan a diet that matches your daily burn rate using apps like MyFitnessPal. Pro tip, invest in a FitBit or sports watch that shows you how many calories you burn daily, then design your meal prep to match your burn rate. If you can stick to this you will drop body fat, look good naked & never be a porker ever again.
Maxing your day & milking the most from each minute should completely drain the batteries & have you hitting the deck faster than a Steven Segal stunt villain.
However, for some, the brain can be left literally buzzing after a full day's choirs, errands & to-do’s. Yep, fending for yourself is no joke, but getting a good night's rest is crucial to tomorrow's performance. So how does one switch off, unplug & unwind without a glass of wine the erasing of browser history? Close down that tab & switch on the kettle, here’s a light-out remedy to help you melt into a 40 winks dreamland of mansions, cheerleaders & Lamborghinis.
Dissolving just 3-5 Shroomstar™ gummies in hot camomile tea before bed provides a soothing pressure release for the nervous system, assisting in the slowing down of mental activity & drifting off to deep REM sleep states. Lion’s Mane, Chaga & Reishi also reduce cortisol (the body’s stress hormone) encouraging sensations of physical calm, relaxation & natural sedation without any lingering morning fatigue or grogginess.
Shroomstar™ gummies work best when used consistently as part of a committed daily routine. Some people will feel an immediate sleep enhancement but others will notice the nighttime benefits after around 7 days of use. Individual results can & do vary so it’s important to test out your own personal dosage to find your sweet spot.