How to Become a Cereal Killer. The Appetite Slashing, Breakfast Hack
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
If it Bleeds, it leads. Don’t be fooled, Hannibal-ing one’s hunger & silencing the morning pangs, can feel like a crafty cannibalizing straightjacket of starvation. Let’s face it, from bible bashers to Buffalo Bill, brekky has our appetites by the big-kahuna-burgers. Even Ned Flanders would contract a dark web Bitcoin hitman for that first bite of buttery toast or that last sip of bowl licking Frosties milk. Escaping the Sugar-Puff handcuffs & kicking the AM carb cravings is a calorie killing jailbreak & ticket to a sugar-free vice-victory.
However, the benefits of intermittent fasting can feel painfully out of reach for rookie belly-rumblers & hungry croissant dodgers, afterall discipling one’s appetite can feel like training a K9 police dog.
So what’s the solution for those struggling to Jack-in the pancake-flippin, egg Bundy their breakfasts & gnarly Manson their morning munchies? Regaining carb craving control, is your first step to meal-murdering mastery & the secret to becoming an infamous cereal killer.
Weaning your metabolism off morning glucose spikes can be a tricky Tony the Tiger to tame, so let’s Dexter the diabetes & baby step your body clock towards a far healthier daily fasting regimen. Here’s a killer recipe for a low-calorie meal replacing shroom shake to hog-tie your appetite & revive your refuelling routine.
How To Make a Sonic-Shroom Smoothie
Here’s my personal hunger-slaying breakfast replacement recipe & low-calorie liquid lunch smoothie solution. Feel free to modify the formula to suit your palate, the only key ingredient that can’t be skipped is the sour apple vegan Shroomstar™ gummies. Below is a simple, fast & filling recipe to kahuna-kick your cravings, ball-gag your belly rumbles to help ease you effortlessly into your new intermittent fasting regime.
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 banana
1 cup fresh spinach
1 scoop unflavored collagen powder
1 tablespoon chia seeds
5 Shroomstar™ gummies
Add all of the ingredients to a blender.
*IMPORTANT* Add the Shroomstar™ last to the blender to prevent the gummies from sticking to the blades.
Blend on high until smooth and creamy.
Pour into a glass & chug or store in a portable flask for later.
Most importantly, how does one actually ‘feel’ after getting an ice-cold fruity skin full of magic medicinal functional mushrooms? Good question, as I’ve said in other articles - people do not care about gadgets, widgets or supplements if they do not do anything. Think about it, how many people would drink Absinthe if it didn’t get you lit? How many athletes would take gear if it didn’t get them swole? And how many people would bother blending gummies into their shaker if it didn’t give them limitless mental focus?
All pretty logical observations of most people's motives, the desire to go from a current state to an enhanced one, is universal across every industry vertical. Now we know what makes people tick, here’s what to expect from a Sonic-Shroom Smoothie.
When to consume
Belly rumbles usually sucker punch us at pretty predictable times throughout the day. First thing in the morning is our usual window of gut growling attention seeking followed by a snack searching post lunch taste tickler to respike the crashing blood insulin levels. The Sonic-Shroom Smoothie is the perfect ace up your sleeve & get out of jail free card for mitigating both biscuit barrel raids & nods at dinner maids.
Here are 3 times of the day when smoothies help hit the hunger spots:
5-8am | Breakfast meal replacement
8-9am | Post-training recovery (add extra protein or collagen powder)
3-4pm | Post lunch sugar craving killer
I know I keep banging on the discipline drum, but training your metabolism to not need a stomach full of carb dense fuel immediately when you wake up is simply a matter of introducing small unnoticeable changes each day. Fasting needn't feel like a foodless 30 day survival trek through a Bear Grylls desert… to begin with it’s best to try starting small & build up your willpower over a week or two. Remember small incremental micro adjustments add the F up over time.
Week 1
If you normally chow down at 7am, try pushing it to 8am. This may screw up your morning routine a little but you're playing a game of inches in the beginning phase. Get yourself used to this for a few days, then extend the feeding window to 9am. Sipping on a Sonic-Shroom Smoothie will help reduce appetite & baby step you into the new leaner morning routine.
Week 2
Every few days extend your fasting window by 20-30 minutes. By the 14th day you should be comfortably sailing closer to the lunchtime window without your appetite distracting you.
Week 3
Begin reducing the size of your morning smoothie or even skipping it all together. Save your Sonic-Shroom Smoothie for the predictable 3-4-pm carb craving insulin top-up.
Remember, the key to sticking to any lifestyle changes, fitness goals or ambitious business ventures is creating a repeatable & timeboxed daily structure. Having a daily system & itemized checklist will keep you aligned with all long term personal goals from the tightness of your waist to the girth of your wallet.
If you’re dying for dinner or would kill for your Kellogs, strangling the sugar slavery over a week or two is sometimes the best strategy for getting away with mealtime murders. Successful morning cereal killers create airtight daily routines to help them mitigate the munchies & discipline the wild inner-dinner dog.
Sticking to a daily systematic blueprint will keep you aligned with your lunchtime north star & prevent you sailing off course when life’s turbulent tides attempt to rock your breakfast binge boat.
Public accountability, rewards & incentives are all the dangling carrots to keep your hungry horse going the distance & galloping on track. That said, I got a deal for you…